Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Pickled Jalapinos with yellow peppers

My Davina loves spicy food, the hotter the better. I planted a bunch of jalapenos in my garden this year so that I could can a bunch of pickled Jalapenos for her. She eats them with her sandwiches, soups pretty much any meal. But unfortunately with my pollination and poor soil issues this year I haven't had much of a crop yet. Saturday my sister went to Market on the Move and brought me a big bag of Jalapenos and I was thrilled. I had so hoped to be able to can some up for Davina. So today I went for my big shopping trip and yellow chilies were on sale for 3lbs for .99 WOOT! I bought 3 lbs and came home to can some chilies.


30-40 large jalapinos
30-40 large yellow chilies
4 cups water
7 c. white vinegar
4 tsp. canning salt
2 tsp. ground cumin
6 cloves whole garlic, peeled

First of all wash 6 quart jars with hot soapy water and rinse well. boil them in a large pot for 10 min. to sterilize. remove them and place them on a clean towel. In a smaller pot place your canning lids in simmering water.

In a stainless steel pan mix the water, vinegar, salt and cumin and bring to a boil, once boiling lower to a simmer. Cut all of your chilies into rounds about the same size. Fill your jars, packing the chilies in and add a clove are garlic on top. Fill with the hot pickling liquid and use your canning tool or a chop stick to slide down the edge of your jars to release air bubbles. Wipe your jar rims clean and put on you lids. Hot water bath can for 15 mins.

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